Small Town Girl

random feelings put into words..

1. Wrote on paper with a pen, instead of typing on a keyboard, cell phone et al. Especially in hindi. I was quite stumped (for words or rather characters literally) when I recently tried writing in hindi! (Quite a disturbing reality)

2. Rode a bicycle. An actual one. Not an Exercycle. I really want to ride one again... but Kochi doesn’t allow me the same for various reasons. I haven’t done this since first year of college.

3. Went for a picnic. A proper lunch basket picnic. I think it was last in my teenage (I was in class X) that I had one like that!

4. Roughed up a guy. It’s been a year. The first time and the last time (so far). I still can’t get over the fact that I actually did it! He was one of those road side eve teasers who got a shock that someone actually retaliated. And he was alone; I guess that’s what gave me the guts.

5. Touched my keyboard (I mean my Casio – the piano). Am slowly but surely taking out time for this activity.

6. Did some calligraphy. Last time was in school.

7. Sang while taking a shower. Or even took the transistor in for listening to some music while bathing.. It’s a great combo. One should try it. ‘Bathroom bliss’ makes for a nice post.

8. Got my hair chopped ultra short. Last time I did that was in class 12th. Before that I did it in class 7th. Both times, the salon female asked me at least 5-6 times if I was sure. The time I was in 7th, my mom kept the tresses with her, thinking they could be used for an artificial plait or bun. The hair colour didn’t match

9. Wore a Sari. The last time I wore it was on some family wedding. Am not very comfy with saris yet. For some reason, ppl expect a female who gets married to suddenly transform herself and start wearing saris instead of western or even Indian suits. Mera number tab aayega.

10. Visited my school and the classes. I want to and I don’t want to. I want to because I miss it and I know it’s a nostalgic trip down memory lane. I don’t want to because I know it would have changed altogether. It would actually disillusion me and all the nice memories that I have abt the place would go in the trash bin.

11. Got into a swimming pool. It’s been *really* long. River, sea, Ocean yes. But swimming pool, no. I was in class 6th, when I last made my attempt at swimming. Could never learn it. In spite of the fact that I went speed boating last year to overcome my fear of water.

12. Got a leech latch on to me. (That was a tongue twister). It’s been almost 14 yrs now. I was in Rapargadh (Kutch, Gujarat). That place is infested with leeches, snakes, frogs and all kind of creepy things you would rather stay away from. Add stepped on elephant shit to this.

13. Played Housie / tambola! Used to get to play it often in my childhood and surprisingly I used to be lucky too.

14. Went to a ball. Last was in Katari Bagh (at the naval base here in Cochin) – The Navy ball and that too with a friend’s family.

15. Close-danced on a slow number. For that matter I can’t seem to remember when I did that last.. Did I even do it.. Maybe with my soft pillow.

16. Did Origami. Gosh! I have forgotten all the small little things I used to make. Even a boat that every school kid knows how to make when the rains come. I used to make real good paper frogs that actually used to hop when you press their rear.

17. Witnessed a thief getting caught red handed. A pretty shaking-you-through-and-through situation when one starts imagining the consequences. Happened in Chennai when we (me and chinnu) were staying in a small room in the karpagam gardens at bessy. It was the middle of the night and we were obv sleeping. That guy was an amateur, and somehow chins realised that there was someone in the room. Suddenly when he was about to pick up some stuff, she caught him red handed n we screamed n called the landlord. Phew.. One scary experience and I don’t want it repeating again. or rather theft repeating again.

18. Made two plaits. I stopped making them after I chopped my hair in class 12th. But I guess I’ll do that someday for the school girlish fun.

19. Visited a mosque. Well I Went to a mosque with seniors & classmates once when I was in college. Went to Haji Ali at Mumbai during NASA 06 (to be precise).

20. Have been jotting down this stuff. Better get back to other things. :P :D


About Me

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okay first up, i would like to mention that i've deleted around 30 posts from the year 2007, 08 & 09 purely because they were a bit too personal.. talk about me?..I am easily hurt, prone to getting colds, choosy and always want the best, know how to make friends, talkative, daydreamer, friendly, temperamental, love to dress up, get easily bored, fussy, seldom show emotions, take time to recover when hurt, brand conscious, stubborn, Sensitive, polite and soft-spoken, Think far with vision, easily influenced by kindness, always have lots of ideas, have an active mind, always hesitating, tend to delay things, funny and humorous, love to joke, abiding,..blah blah blah.. the list just goes onn.. :P :)