Small Town Girl

random feelings put into words..

God said, “Let there be light”. And then man said “Let there never be darkness”. Thus came the inverters, generators and the 100% power backups that we have in today’s world. Some days back I made a trip down memory lane when there was a power outage. On a side note, I must mention that the power outages in Kochi were so frequent few years back that I would love permanently living in the present & future instead of making frequent trips down memory lane. Thankfully power cuts did not bother much since I also happened to have that contraption called the inverter. But on this particular night I made the trip down memory lane since suddenly there came a power cut and I had to resort to the “not-so-universal-anymore-stuff” – candles. I don’t even have candles at home. Luckily, with dad’s birthday just gone past, and with age beginning to fast forward as they show in movies – pages of a calendar flipping past before you can say D for December – I had lots of teeny weeny candles to spare. I lit those up and then it was time to go back to … childhood.

Power outages were very frequent in childhood. And when they happened, they were a delight. It usually meant good quality time for the whole family. Things like the summer heat or the buzzing mosquitoes would be a nuisance but then who cares when one can have so much fun. Some of the things that we did during such times include
- playing with the candle flame by passing a finger through it.
- playing with the wax that trickles down and making shapes out of it.
- making the wax trickle down with ones bare fingers. It’s great fun because one could make finger imprints.
- playing shadow games with ones hands.
- making eerie noises and scaring others.
- playing guessing games.
- relating ghost stories.
- remembering old anecdotes as the whole family bursts with laughter.
- antakshri.
- general chit chat with family, amounting to quality time spent.
- inventing new games to be played for the next power outage.

As part of growing up, the frequency of power outages decreased and certain areas of interest (during such times) changed. For eg. With time I also became interested in studying the structure of a flame (O_o). The games kept getting more innovative. Watching the stars and the night sky when the power is not there, is something everyone should do because the street lights don’t hamper the view and on a clear night one can see proper constellations.

During hostel life in Chennai, the areas of interest changed yet again. We did have power cuts there too (thanks to Mr. JPR). Singing, guitar sessions, Antakshri across floors (with girls being locked inside respective rooms), shadow dances by holding a candle against a bed sheet, calling spirits on the Ouija board; entered the “interesting things to do list”. (Not to forget the lights game played between the girls and boys hostels.. oh yes Sathyabama was a jail but we sure had lot of fun.. In fact hostel is one of the things that I miss the most about SIST)

Now the situation is different. Seamless integration of devices like the inverter, doesn’t even let one know when the power is out. My mother’s favourite quote is “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness”. It certainly needs to be changed with today’s times because there isn’t any darkness anymore. I need to concentrate really hard to recollect the last time the power was out and I had a great time the way I have had some years back. One of my senior architects was relating an incident at his house where his inverter wasn’t working and a power outage happened. Both his daughters aged 5 and 2 screamed like anything and got absolutely terrified. He in turn got quite shaken up and got the inverter rectified the first thing next morning. It certainly makes me realise that there are already some people in this country who have never seen absolute darkness. How they will be able to deal with the fear of the dark is another thing altogether, but what they are really missing out on is something that can never be compensated. Tsk.


Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.


no i havent.

About Me

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okay first up, i would like to mention that i've deleted around 30 posts from the year 2007, 08 & 09 purely because they were a bit too personal.. talk about me?..I am easily hurt, prone to getting colds, choosy and always want the best, know how to make friends, talkative, daydreamer, friendly, temperamental, love to dress up, get easily bored, fussy, seldom show emotions, take time to recover when hurt, brand conscious, stubborn, Sensitive, polite and soft-spoken, Think far with vision, easily influenced by kindness, always have lots of ideas, have an active mind, always hesitating, tend to delay things, funny and humorous, love to joke, abiding,..blah blah blah.. the list just goes onn.. :P :)